
Saturday, January 15, 2011

.: you're one in the million :.

Sometimes love can hit you everyday
Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see
But only one can really make me stay
A sign from the sky said to me
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover one of the stars above us

I've been looking for that special one
And I've been searching for someone to give my love
And when I thought that all the hope was gone
A smile, there you were and I was gone

I always will remember how I felt that day
A feeling indescribable to me
I always knew there was an answer for my prayer
And you're the one for me

In the beginning I was cool and everything was possible
They tried to catch me but it was impossible
No one could hurt me it was my game
Until I met you baby and you were the same
And when you didn't want me I wanted you because
The funny thing about it is I liked the show
I like it when its difficult
I like it when its hard
Then you know its worth it
That you found your heart

such a sweet song... rasenye cm aq tlmbt plak tau lagu ni.. huhuhu.. kalo pemint final fantasy tau da lme aq kena ban..(arrgh!!) dis song make me feel so gratefull.. had someone alwys close to my heart, really understanding, always beside me in any condition...(tber2x nk jiwg plak) thx mr boncet... ur the one in a million.. (miss him tber2x .. huuu~)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

jalan + tangga + class

aq x tau la aq larat lg ke nk menapak kt uitm shah alam ni.. huhuhu... kalo nk g class kalo x menapak beratus anak tangga x sah .. ( mcm practise nk pnjt batu caves plak ). bler smpai class muke da mcm exhausted gler !! yg pntg sblm msk class calit ckit minyk wgi . ( cover sgale bau slps mndaki !!) mmg pnt gler r kt cni.. rndu gler kt uitm perak.. huuu~ class plak jgn ckp r.. de smpi 4 jam straight je... mmg bpk pnt la... ( lctrr plak x reti kc break. syok sndiri je ckp..huuu~ ) pape pn thn je la kan.. da blaja kna brkorban kit... (jgn trkorban suda.. huu~ ) -adios-

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

.: PiNkY LiLi :.

name : pinky lili (pinky = warne dy , lili = mr. boncet )

tmpt tgl : kmane saje yg tuan dy ltk ( len kate, setinggan)

umur : 12 hari ( ni usia bler tuan dy dpt, usia sbnr x dpt dikenal pasti )

dari : mr. boncet

fungsi : peneman tuan dy utk tdo / berehat ( tmpt gusti pn bleh gak )

impian : dpt hidup lame ( x rabak sbb tuan dy gns )


hyep !! ni kire aq baru je buat blog ni.. actually wat blog ni sbgai tmpt aq tuk luah perasaan n bkongsi.. aq pna tbace la blog ni mcm diary maya.. so saje r nk try... luah kt fb, de je org nk mrh bek tuleh kt cni.. huuuu ~ .. hope bleh kc benefit la.. (benefit ke ? byk wasting je .. huuu~ ) pape pn sape yg jguk2x ke lalu lalang ke.. thx ye sbb brbuat bgitu... hehehhehe.. adios ~ (^^,)y